GROW is a innovative Skills Training program for Youths as well as Persons with Disability, which focus on guaranteed skill enhancement and 100% placements in recognised companies. The program was launched by Dr Reddy’s Foundation with an objective of bringing high quality skills training to as many youths of India as possible and get them a respectable job. GROW has 108 Centers across India with a presence in 80 cities and 20 states. So far we have trained and placed more than 3,50,000 youths and person with disabilities.
Program Pledge
"We, pledge to improve competencies of youth to match job requirements, and make GROW the partner of choice for youth and employers thereby contributing to a Skilled India."
successful Aspirants
U Kavitha Kavitha works as a receptionist at the Prism Travel Agency. Just twenty-two but married for about year, Kavitha is very mature and practical about her future plans. It was only after getting married that I realized the importance of being financially independent. To get a job was top most on my mind and I really had no clue as to how to go about it she says as she recollects about her first day at GROW. "So I paid close attention to everything they taught me and I worked hard on improving my English speaking skills − something which the teachers at the center encouraged me to do too. In fact what I liked best at GROW was that they never made me feel small or foolish and so despite making mistakes I had the courage to try again." Happy with her new job she says "I like the timing from 9:30 to 6:30 because it gives me time to do my house work and then come to office. Also as a receptionist, I get lots of opportunity to talk in English and when needed slip into Telugu. So I am not stressed" Kavitha is waiting to pick up her first salary and present it to her mother-in-law for her blessings. I am sure she will be very happy with me. Read More
Mubeen Fatima Fatima, as likes to be called, introduces herself by saying ideally I would like to race bikes! And before you can get a word in she adds, You heard right and flips her burqa back to look you squarely in the eye! Confused I quiz her as to why she joined GROW for that? Well it is because of GROW that I am able to enunciate what I really want. I was a very under confident young girl till I joined this program. It was here that I learnt to believe in myself and also articulate my feelings. Now I am sure I am on the right path. Fatima who recently got a placement in the Times of India's call center department says "she is happy but hungry for more!" And soon veers back the conversation to her dream of buying a Pulsar 180 "not for racing but for driving around town!" Her English was impressive and when you tell her that she credits GROW trainers for correcting her pronunciation and grammar. Well I knew the language but did not have the confidence to talk in sentences like I do now. The Communicative English course was indeed helpful. I will be always grateful to them Read More
T Sukanya Sukanya draws a deep sigh of relief when asked about her new found job. "I am so glad to have got this job" she says before explaining I work as a tele-caller at Pratul Honda Servicing Center and though this in not a very exciting job to be honest, for me it could not be better right now. Sukanya joined GROW and the only thing on her mind at that time was to help her father who is an auto driver and struggling to pay for her brother's college education. Once my brother gets through, I plan to join a coaching center where they will coach me for banking as my ambition is to join a bank. And by then my present job would have taught me a little about how to deal with customers. For the moment, I am content that GROW helped me to get a job. This would not have been possible without the training I got at the center. Thank you to all my trainers. Read More
V Devender It is a big step forward says Devender. When I joined GROW I did not know that you could make a career out of wanting to help others. All I knew was that I found joy in helping people and I said that at the time of my enrollment. And see how they matched my job with my aspiration! Young Devender is celebrating the fact that he leaped from an aspiring student at GROW to become a part of DRF-PwD GROW program as center associate. Read More